Friday, September 17, 2010

My Container Garden Update

Watching my garden grow!

My morning harvest from the garden - manoa lettuce, rumex raspberry dressing, arugula, mesclun greens, and tuscan kale.
tuscan kale
my garden
mesclun greens
rumex raspberry dressing
baby arugula

This month is "Eat Local Challenge" month, a challenge from Kanu Hawaii.

Kanu Hawaii is challenging the community to buy and to most importantly EAT Locally.

How more local than to eat what you grow!  I've been able to harvest most of the greens I eat from my container garden.  So I challenge you to do the same.  Let's make a promise that same time next year, we will be eating most of our salads from our home gardens!



  1. That is a good advocacy! We should really eat local now because of some food shortage that different countries are experiencing. Since I have a garden I always eat salad fresh from my garden and my kids enjoy eating it. It is fresher to eat than to buy the ingredients in the grocery store. By the way I love your baby arugula

  2. you are the most amazing woman! you do so much .. when do you sleep? .. you are my inspiration! love you sexy nat!

  3. I just purchased two rumex raspbery dressing plants. They
    are so beautiful! Besides admiring their beauty,
    how do I prepare the leaves?
