This might come into good use for this second round of quarantine.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Keeping order in a new life of uncertainty.
These are activities I am doing to keep me focused on my personal growth & personal living,
while the #stayhome order is in effect.
Fact, this came after 2 weeks of winging it and a lot of television news, Hallmark, & Netflix,
while laying on my couch! I needed to do something to get out of my funk.
Also, when are we gonna have this kind of time again? Hopefully not too soon.
These are guidelines I use to keep myself focused and organized.
I am sharing this because it might help you, as it has helped me.
First -
I start my day by focusing on my physical health - floor exercises and stretches
(while watching the news, both local & international news. Then take my medications and vitamins.
And finally ESPRESSO! Then breakfast.
Breakfast consists of either oatmeal with nuts & banana, energy bar, avocado toast w/ dukkah,
or a kale/spinach omelet, depending on what is available in the refrigerator.
Second -
I make a list of business & finance items I need to complete for that day with a maximum time
limit for each item:
- Work assignments (2 hours)
- Finances & Personal Business (1-2 hours)
Business & Finance Health -
Work on projects for my consultant business.
-Check on my unemployment status. Be persistent and try different times of the day,
when you cannot get on-line or calling.
-Call every credit card and bank, to get a lower interest rate and/or deferred payment plans.
Write out a paragraph you are going to say on the phone call, so you stay focused.
-Skip or cancel subscriptions. Ask yourself, “Do I really need or use this subscription?”
Have a snack! After a couple of hours working, you need a snack. My go-tos are roasted nuts,
cut veggies (celery, broccoli, cauliflower), or a healthy crunchy snack (popcorn, pita chips, tortilla chips).
Use a small bowl, and do not eat right out of the bag. It limits over eating from the bag.
Lunch is usually a salad with either a hard boiled egg, tuna, or turkey. Or a kale, banana,
peanut butter, non-dairy smoothie. If I do not have either, I eat leftovers from the night before.
Third -
After lunch I usually pick 2-3 of the following activities. Change it up daily to keep it fun!
Physical Health -
- Health Maintenance Follow-Up with Primary Doctor (on-line)
- Diet/cooking - cookbooks & magazines that focus on plant-strong recipes
- Exercise - whatever works in your current living space - floor exercises & walking works for me
- Health education - reading books & magazines to broaden your knowledge
Mental Health -
- Coloring - coloring books
- Meditation - apps like Headspace & Calm are useful
- Cleaning/decluttering - keep your living spaces clean & organized
- Gardening - repotting overgrowth plants
- Fun/Laughter - I watch shows that make me laugh - Modern Family, Queer Eye
- Cry - I watch shows that make me cry - P.S. I Love You, Queer Eye
Brain Health -
- Vocabulary growth - learning new words to use in your everyday life
- Language growth - learn another language
- Motivational growth - using established programs #oprahs2020visiontour
- Inspirational growth - praying
Imagination Health -
- Escaping - READ!!!
- Travel books/magazines/videos
Relationship Health -
- Texting, FaceTime, Calling
- Writing cards & letters
- Social Media posting
- Birthday Cards
Cooking -
- Try new recipes, cultural recipes
- Watch cooking videos
Dinner is the main meal of the day. I’ve been using different recipes everyday, to keep things interesting.
My go-to recipes are: chicken soup with green papaya or chayote, ground turkey lasagna, spicy ramen,
pork w/ green beans, bolognese on spaghetti, pork with white squash & long rice, Thai chicken curry,
meatloaf w/ mushrooms, etc. All meals always include a green leafy vegetable side - kale, spinach,
collard greens, bok choy, choi sum, ong choy, etc.