Today was such a beautiful Spring day here in Hawaii and I spent most of it on my deck. Sitting there reminded me of Tuscany, specifically Greve, five years ago, blue skies, trees, red poppies and wine vineyards around our villa. So I looked for pictures of the villa and came across pictures of one of my dinners - fresh ricotta & mozzerella stuffed pasta shells in a tomato sauce.
I have never tasted ricotta like the one we bought from the little grocery store in the town of Greve (15 minutes from Firenze)....sweet milk, creamy polenta texture cheese....I can't even describe it in words. Cooking in Tuscany was like being on a food tv show. We went to the market every day and bought what ever looked good and fresh. Then tried to out do the meal the night before and staying true to the country's cuisine. I so loved doing that and could do that every night. The only time we really went out to eat was during our day trips to the surrounding towns or at our over night trips.
I've posted a couple of pictures. ENJOY!!! Ciao
OMG! You downloaded photos!!! Good job! Does this mean we can expect more?