Tuesday, September 23, 2014

On the Road - Day One Fitness Program

Here we go, Week ONE, Day One on our "on the road" fitness plan.  This is what Felix emailed me last week:

Okay, here we go. Writing you a workout program is not an easy task without having first assessed your level of fitness/strength, being able to explain or correct technique and form or knowing what “props” you have available.
Nevertheless, here are some workout/exercises for you on the road. More than working out, diet will be key. *:) happy But more to that after the workout. To begin you will go with a two days on, one day off split. Workouts will be rather short but therefore higher in intensity. You are looking at 10-20 min, with a short warm-up/cool down and stretching before and/or after... so a total of no more than 30 min. Later on, this can/will change. But on the road, your main concern should be staying disciplined. All exercises below are strictly bodyweight exercises and do not require any props or weights.

Day 1: 5 rounds of:
  • 5 pushups
  • 10 squats
  • 30 sec plank

Day 2: Perform 21-15-9-3 reps of:
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Sit ups
  • Squats

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Complete:
  • 1 push up
  • 10 squats
  • 2 push ups
  • 8 squats
  • 3 push ups
  • 6 squats
  • 4 push ups
  • 4 squats
  • 5 push ups
  • 2 squats
  • 4 push ups
  • 4 squats
  • 3 push ups
  • 6 squats
  • 2 push ups
  • 8 squats
  • 1 push up
  • 10 squats

Day 5: Perform 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
  • squats
  • sit ups

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Complete the cycle as many times as possible in 5 min:
  • 5 push ups
  • 10 alternating lunges (5 each leg)
  • 15 sit ups
Complete three rounds total.

Since you are on the road, I will mostly focus on the eating out part (since you love to do that anyways *;) winking) and less on the cooking/preparing your own meals.
You know that I personally do not eat any animals or animal products. This does however not mean that I will ask you to do the same. Here are a few guidelines that I think are easy to remember:
  1. First and foremost: Eat for nutrients. No empty calories! This is KEY!
  2. Eat vegetables, fruits, legumes and beans... and some nuts and seeds.
  3. If you chose to eat meat or eggs, opt for grass-fed/free-range/organic and make those the “side” and not the main part of the meal.
  4. Minimize (or eliminate if possible) dairy! No other animal in the world consumes the milk of another animal, especially not after the infant stage. Neither should we.
  5. Minimize refined oil! If you use them, do so sparingly and opt for coconut oil. Fried is pretty much oil with a little bit of food.
  6. No sugars! No sucrose, no glucose, no Sucralose... you name it. Eating sugar in whole-food fruit (i.e. apples, strawberries etc) is okay.
  7. Minimize (or eliminate if possible) processed food! Bread, pasta, donuts, chips... be strong and opt for something else. Notice: I did not put potatoes or rice on the Avoid List. These are okay. Just don't eat them every day and opt for wild rice, sweet potatoes or even quinoa or amaranth.
  8. Use GOOD salt. No table salt, please. Try Himalayan “Pink” Salt.

Salad dressing: You can make nice dressings using (balsamic) vinegar. Sometimes I simply mix oil-free hummus with some vinegar for a delicious dressing. Or try a tahini and soy sauce based dressing and add some lemon juice.

Taste: You can retrain your taste buds within three weeks. Be patient and stick with it. Most people don't like beer or wine the first time the they try it. *:-& sick


I will be sharing my meals in my "end of the week" updates.  Good luck to you and to me!


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